Restoring constitutional republicanism
by electing conservative first candidates
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© 2024 Conservative First PAC
It's 2024, the year we reveal our Endorsements and Targets.
It's very crucial that we make sure:
America needs a bottom up, grassroots movement to rise up to help support and elect constitutional conservatives who are dedicated to restoring our republic.
Whether you live in Augusta, Maine or Cape Coral, Florida; Toledo, Ohio or Frisco, Texas and everywhere in between,
YOU can make a difference.
The U.S. senator from North Dakota who votes to repeal legislation that gives the IRS 87,000 more agents is just as important as your U.S. senators. EVERY VOTE MATTERS.
Your donation will ensure that constitutional conservatives are elected and promote the principles of conservatism that continue to stand the test of time.
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All Rights Reserved. Paid for by Conservative First PAC. Not affiliated with any political party or candidate. Terms and Conditions
Conservative First is a federally registered political action committee (PAC) dedicated to restoring constitutional republicanism by supporting and electing conservative first candidates.